Some people are at higher risk for HIV so it is important to test for HIV at least twice a year if you are sexually active or more often if you have more than one sexual partner, when you have a new sexual partner or have been diagnosed with an STI.

HIV is a treatable condition, but only once you know your status!

Scientific evidence has shown that people living with HIV who are on effective treatment cannot pass the virus on to anyone else. U=U (Undetectable = Untransmittable)

How and where to test:

1 - order a self test online or purchase a test in-store to test at home for instant results
2 - a sexual health clinic
3 - an HIV testing centre
4 - a GP/family doctor

With HIV Self Tests you can test from 4 weeks after possible exposure, however if your result is negative you should use caution and test again after 12 weeks from your last exposure. The reason for this is that each person makes antibodies to HIV at different items and therefore not everyone would have made them after 4 weeks.

When buying an HIV Self Test be sure to look for a CE mark (with 3 numbers underneath) on the box as which means that the test has been approved by a regulatory body for medical devices in Europe.

5 reasons to test:

1 - be sure of your status
Testing is the only way to know for sure if you have HIV or not.

2 - you can test in the comfort and privacy of your home
You can purchase your test online or at your local pharmacy.

3 - to take control of your health and stay well
If the test is negative you can take action to keep it that way. If your test is positive you can get the treatment that keeps you healthy and prevents serious illness.

4 - keep you and your partner healthy
If you haven't tested and don't know your HIV status you can't take the steps to stay healthy or to prevent you passing it on to your partner.

5 - get the treatment and support you need
In the UK, HIV medication and medical care is free for everyone. If you have HIV, the sooner you start treatment the better it is for your health and the sooner you can get support and information to live well with HIV.

Positive Test Result Key Points:
Testing positive for HIV can often leave a person feeling overwhelmed with questions and concerns but it is important to remember that HIV can be effectively treated with antiretroviral medicines.
The first step after testing positive for HIV is to see a healthcare professional, even if you don't feel sick. Prompt medical care with antiretroviral medicines is key to effective treatment.